Faye Foo55608

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Set your Business Hours

If you are self employed, and work from home, it is easy to get caught up in burning the midnight oil..

Making your own space separate from the family areas, and not in your bedroom, is the first step. But you also need to know when its time to close the door on your space for the day!

If like most people, one of the reasons you chose to run your business from home, was to spend more time with your family and have a less stressful life. But without the scheduled days, you can easily fall into the trap of working night and day and burning yourself out.

Its great to work around the kids school schedule or your partners schedule, by setting blocks of time during the day to get your work done.. but don't push beyond that. If it starts getting to the point, where you emerge from your office or studio and the moon and the stars are out, and you have kids quietly knocking on your door, wondering if you are OK.. then its time to re-evaluate what you are doing!

Once you have closed the door on your office or studio for the day, this does NOT mean bringing some work out to the kitchen table to work on while you are eating and supposed to be socializing with your family. There should be no evidence of your work in the family areas, this just causes stress for everyone, and makes you think of more things you have to do in your office.

Remember, running a business from home can be a great thing, but like life, a business is always changing and evolving, and there will never be a "OK its all done for the day" it will always need "something" from you.. Its up to you to decide the hours of your business and when you are at your best to give it the time it needs., and then put up your "closed" sign, physically and mentally, and then go and have some fun with your friends and family. Life can get away from us very quickly.. go and enjoy it.

Article by Diane Palmer.. http://www.make-crafts-for-cash.com is a website by Diane Palmer, with more than 15 years in the crafts business. Learn creative ways to make and sell crafts, online, craft shows, fairs and more.. Turn your craft hobby into a business!

Caravan Huur


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